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The sights and the sensitive places...
  • Continued from part 4... This is part 5. The title suggests that your labia are a LOT of men and womens DREAM. Doctors are evil evil beings for doing this to women. Do you know why? Because one of us will come along and WISH this beautiful woman had what they WANT. WELL SHE DID. AND NOW SHE DOESNT. DAMN IT. Damn it all. Of the 4 women I have been with who had long meaty labia... They were all vaguely different with one inparticular element. The wrap. The labia are sometimes dark yet still soft and very squishy, I once had a woman with the freshest pink labia that were LAYERS of lips. The way her labia wrapped around me was SENSATIONAL to see. The visuals of larger lips are so attractive to me. The bulge in a bikini. HOT. the hanging in 69 or while standing... HOT. The Wrap. THE HOTTEST THING MY EYES EVER SEEN. The Spread. Amazing invitation. To be continued in part 6
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2020-09-18 14:16:33
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