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This site is the sister site to Please review our General Site Rules, and our Karma Points System.
If you'd like to share your sexy labia pics or videos anonymously please see these instructions.
Not sure where to start with things? Start Here.
Karma Points Quick Guide:
0KP to 34.9KP = Regular Member
35KP to 49.9KP = Trusted Member
50KP to 65.9KP = Established Member
66KP and Higher = Senior Member or Site Moderator
How To Participate. . .
  • Vote Up0Vote Down LabiaLoverLabiaLover
    409.79 Karma Points [?]Message LabiaLoverPosts: 2,008Site Administrator
    This post is for those who have e-mailed me asking how should they participate
    on the site -- so I'm going to explain the multiple ways to participate here:

    First and foremost -- BECOME A MEMBER!!

    Got Videos To Share??  Video posting will soon be made automatic.

    For now, if you have videos to share, please contact me and I'll help you
    get them shared on the site.

    Post Pics of your labia, your lover's labia, or impressive labia you've seen online.

    Of course, my preference is that you post pics of your own labia, or your lover's labia,
    because this site is viewed by other women who may be insecure with their own labia,
    and seeing labia on different kinds of women and how other men and women react to
    amateur pics will help to boost the confidence of some, thereby helping them with their
    sexual confidence and/or helping them to avoid an unnecessary and regretful labiaplasty. :(


    Simply send your pics to and I will post them on the site for you with an alias
    (not your real name, unless you don't mind me posting your first name only).

    In this way, you'll be able to see what real guys and real girls think of your labia, in a no-pressure
    environment as our members will post their thoughts about your labia openly and plainly.

    Pics posted in the anonymous category are viewable by the general public as well as our site members.


    If you're a member of the site, simply follows the directions below, however, if you're not a member
    you can send your pics to and I will post your pics in the shared category
    which is only available to our members and isn't visible by the general public.

    Posting your pics in this category, you can still be anonymous (i.e. an alias used for your name), or you
    can allow me to post with your first name since your pics are only available to our members and not the
    general public in this fashion.


    This can be done, by simply becoming a member of the site, and posting your own labia pics,
    pics of your lover's labia, or impressive labia you've seen online that you think our community would love to see.

    Pics you post to the site will be associated with your online member ID here on the site, but no personally identifiable details will ever be displayed (unless you tell me otherwise).

    This way you can post pics of your labia, your lover's labia or impressive labia you've seen online, and see honest feedback and comments from other site members and be able to ask questions, make comments and more without any pressure -- your e-mail address is never revealed on the site (unless you tell me otherwise, or post it on the site yourself), so you're free to receive honest feedback on your profile or via messages sent to you by other members (through your profile on the site).  Only members will be able to send you messages, as your profile is not available to non-members.  This ensures that you remain in control of how people contact you, or if they're able to contact you at all. You're always in control. :-)

    To take it step further and make your pics *ONLY* available to members and not the general public,
    simply post your pics in the shared category of the site.

    On the other hand if you'd prefer to allow the general public to see your pics, as well as our site members, you can post them in the anonymous category of the site, once you've become a member of the site.


    Ask Questions and Answer Questions.

    There are lots of ladies and guys out there with questions about labia, and sexuality in general.
    This is one way that we can help to ensure that the people who need answers to their questions,
    (honest answers from people who aren't afraid to discuss sexuality or other sexual issues that are
    deemed to be "taboo" by our society at large), get the answers that they need in order to make a
    more well-informed decision on things like whether to have labiaplasty surgery or not for example.


    NON-MEMBERS: Simply send your question to and I will post it
    in the questions category of the site, which is viewable by the general public (meaning that
    you will not need to become a site member to see answers posted to your question).
    Unfortunately, if you're not a member, you won't be able to post answers to questions.
    For this reason, you're encouraged to participate by becoming a member -- you're personal
    information is never shared, unless you share it yourself, and your e-mail address is
    *never* revealed unless you reveal it yourself, or instruct me to do so.

    MEMBERS: Simply post your question in the questions category, and then wait for answers to
    your question(s) from site members.  Once you find someone has provided an acceptable answer
    to your question, you can click the "Accept Answer" link on their question, and their answer will
    become the one that is shown above all other answers to your question thread.  Others will be able
    to continue to answer your question, or post further replies and responses, but only the answer you
    chose will remain at the top of the list as the "accepted answer" to the question.

    Since this is a user driven website, obviously "accepted answers" by members posting questions is purely subjective, but I like to think we have a good variety of people here who can make logical deductions and educated choices using the information posted in questions and answers by other members.

    Post education material or other articles you find on the subject of labiaplasty and why it should be avoided!

    This is of course the main purpose of this site -- to help educate women, both younger and mature women alike about their labia, ways that they can avoid pain, discomfort, teasing, or embarrassment without opting for labiaplasty surgery.


    NON-MEMBERS: Simply send your education link or comments to me at
    and I will post the material for you in the general category.  Members will be able to comment on posts
    that I put in this category, and you'll be able to come back and view their posts/comments.

    MEMBERS: Simply post your material/links, etc in the general category.

    This area of the site will be indexed by major search engines like Google, and will hopefully
    give reason for a woman who may be considering labiaplasty surgery to see that there are many
    non-intrusive alternatives to labiaplasty surgery, which is expensive, not covered by insurance in
    most cases, un-necessary, painful, and ultimately can go wrong as it has in many cases.

    Find a woman or a guy who is interested in large labia, long labia, thick labia, or otherwise sexy labia.

    The purpose of this section of the site is to allow ladies and guys who are interested in meeting one another, or even just becoming chat buddies, to speak freely and openly among each other without the fear of being of judged by anyone else (this category is only open to site members) -- realistically, women are just as sexual as men are, and even more so than society would have you believe.

    It is typically "socially unacceptable" for a woman to pursue a man.  She may be called a whore, a slut, or other derogatory terms, that are erroneous at best, and cause an otherwise sexual woman to inhibit herself based on how her actions may be perceived by others.  Yet, men can (and do) get away with this, without any social impediments or consequences.  It's time we dispel that belief.  It's time women who are unsure of how their labia may be perceived by men who aren't accustomed to it, unsure of their sexual allure, or who lack the sexual confidence that comes with knowing that you are "normal" (however that word is defined) and that nothing is wrong with them are able to meet men (and other women) who are impressed by their labia, who they can share their sexual fantasies with, sexual interests with, and otherwise have a like-minded discussion with, in a no-pressure environment.

    Profile information is private and is never shared, unless you share it directly with the other person, however, you are free to leave posts on that member's profile (these are visible to other members), send that member messages directly (these are private and only visible by the member who receives the message), and start/stop communication whenever you'd like, male or female.  Isn't it about time it's been this way?? ;)

    Start here: Labia Lovers Category (you need to become a member to participate in this category).

    ** DMCA Notice: Any and all images or videos that you upload to become the property of - we don't use your content in any way except for the purposes of displaying such content on this website.  By uploading content to this website, you expressly agree to these terms.**
    800 x 250 - 43K
    978 x 667 - 116K
    Post edited by LabiaLover at 2020-06-10 12:35:00
    Labia Lover - Pussy Connoisseur and Labia Enthusiast
    Want to post your labia pics anonymously to get honest feedback from real people?? Click here.
    Thanked by 1himu
This discussion has been closed.
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